Top Five Amazing Facts About The Human Body-(Part 10):

01:Goose bumps evolved to make our ancestors’ hair stand up, making them appear more threatening to predators.
02:Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than the tips of a person's fingers.
03:Your heart beats around 100,000 times a day, 365,00,000 times a year and over a billion times if you live beyond 30.
04:Every year more than 2 million left-handed people die because of mistakes they make when using machines designed for right-handed people.
05:Nephrons, the kidney’s filtering units, clean the blood in the human body in about 45 minutes and send about six cups of urine (2000 ml) to the bladder every day.
Bonus Fact: A passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions in the brain that skydiving and firing a gun do.