Top 10 Interesting Quick Health Facts: Part-02

Top 10 Interesting Quick Health Facts: Part-02

1: Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of depression, especially in women.

2: Swearing can make you feel better when you’re in pain.

3: Writing things out by hand will help you remember them.

4: Chewing gum makes you more alert, relieves stress and reduces anxiety levels.

5: Yoga can boost your cognitive function and lowers stress.

6: Walking outside – or spending time in green space – can reduce negative thoughts and boost self-esteem.

7: Chocolate is good for your skin; its antioxidants improve blood flow and protect against UV damage.

8: Tea can lower risks of heart attack, certain cancers, type 2 Diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Just make sure your tea isn’t too sweet!

9: Eating oatmeal provides a serotonin boost to calm the brain and improve your mood.

10: Women below the age of 50 need twice the amount of iron per day as men of the same age.

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