Some of The Unknown Facts About Valentine’s Day You Must Know:
1: Official Announcement of The Valentine’s Day:
In the 1300s, it officially became a holiday associated with love. At the end of the 5th century, Roman Pope Gelasius officially declared the date of February 14 "St. Valentine's Day.". It is a Roman fertility festival.
2: When The First Valentine Was Sent?
The first valentine was sent in the 15th century. The oldest record of a valentine being sent, according to, was a poem written by a French medieval duke named Charles to his wife in 1415.
3: The Tradition of Giving Valentine's Day Flowers :
The Tradition of Giving Valentine's Day Flowers Dates Back to The 17th Century. Giving red roses may be an obvious romantic gesture today, but it wasn't until the late 17th century that giving flowers became a popular custom.
4: Spend By Americans On Valentine's Day?
Today, Americans spend a lot on love. According to the National Retail Foundation, Americans spent over $20 billion on Valentine's Day gifts in 2019, and were expected to spend a record-breaking $27.4 billion for 2020
5: How Much Valentine's Day Cards Send Each Year?
Americans send 145 million Valentine's Day cards each year. According to Hallmark, a whopping 145 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged every February 14
6: Most spending Gifts On Valentine's Day?
The Valentine's Day gift that people spend the most on is jewelry. Candy and flowers might be some of the most common gifts for Valentine's Day, but according to the National Retail Federation, the category that we typically spend the most on for February 14 is jewelry, at a whopping $5.8 billion in 2020!
7: Introduction Of The First Heart Shaped Chocolates:
The first heart-shaped box of chocolates was introduced in 1861. It was created by Richard Cadbury, son of Cadbury founder John Cadbury, who started packaging chocolates in fancy boxes to increase sales.
8: More than 8 billion conversation hearts are manufactured each year.
9: Nearly 6 million couples get engaged on Valentine's Day.
10: Red Roses Symbolize Romance:
Red roses mean romance in the Victorian language of flowers. Back in the Victorian era, people expressed their emotions through floriography or the language of flowers. Giving a certain kind of flower conveyed a specific message, and red roses meant romance.
11: Red Color Makes You More Attractive:
Wearing red makes you more attractive (it’s science!). It has long been a Valentine’s Day fact that red is the color of passion and sexuality, and science can now confirm it.
12: Marketing Strategy With Chocolates:
Valentine’s chocolate is just good marketing. If you get a box of chocolates this Valentine’s Day, thank Richard Cadbury.
13: Only Japanese Men Get Chocolate On Valentine’s Day, Why?
In the United States, men spend twice as much money on Valentine’s Day gifts as women do, according to Good Housekeeping. But one of our favorite Valentine’s Day facts is that in Japan, the women are the big spenders, while the men simply receive gifts.
14: Lace And Ribbon Relation With Love:
Lace and ribbon have ancient associations with love. It is a Valentine’s Day fact that even the simplest of love-centric chocolate boxes are likely to be adorned with some kind of ribbon decoration or lace-like design.
15: For Whom It Is?
Valentine’s Day is for all types of love. According to Good Housekeeping, the most common recipients of Valentine’s Day cards are actually teachers! This is most likely due to classroom Valentine’s celebrations. People also buy lots of cards for their kids and their moms.