Do You Know These Facts About The Latest Bird Flu Outbreak In India?
What is bird flu?
Bird flu, also known as avian influenza. It is a highly contagious viral disease caused by Influenza Type A viruses which generally affects poultry birds such as chickens and turkeys.
Humans the easy victims or not?
No, absolutely not till now. According to WHO, people coming in close contact with infected alive or dead birds have contracted the H5N1 bird flu, but it does not usually spread from person to person. This disease is not also spread if poultry food is properly cooked for at least about 30 minutes at 70 degree Celsius or more.
The Reason behind scare?
This disease is caused by H5N1, a subtype of virus which is severe and deadly because almost 6 out of 10 confirmed cases in humans have led to deaths. If the virus mutates and becomes easily transmissible from person to person then it can potentially cause a pandemic which we can't afford especially in this corona virus situation. That's why we should be conscious about it.
How severe is the latest outbreak in India?
This Bird flu disease has been reported among ducks in Kerala, crows in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh and last but not the least among wild geese in Himachal Pradesh. In Haryana, approximately one lakh poultry birds have died without any reason in the last few weeks.
In Pong Dam Lake of Himachal Pradesh, around 1,800 migratory birds have been found dead. In Kerala, it is detected in two districts, concerned authorities to order culling of ducks. A bird flu alert has been issued in Rajasthan, where over 250 crows were found dead mysteriously.
The list of affected states in India:
- Kerala
- Madhya Pradesh,
- Himachal Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Haryana
- Gujarat
Measures taken by Indian Government:
The Central government of India has also issued a bird flu alert in the affected states in the wake of the sudden death of birds in large numbers stating that they are collecting the samples from those areas from where bird flu cases are being reported. They has also launched a drive to identify those with suspected flu symptoms in those areas.
Precautionary Measures:
- We should take it seriously and adopt proper precaution against it. when eat poultry food, cooked it at 70 degree Celsius for about at least half an hour.
- Wash your hands properly after touching raw poultry food.
By doing these, we can be prevented from this viral disease. Stay safe and healthy and let me know how do you find this article. Thanks for reading it.
Thanks for the info.