Top 10 Amazing Mind Boggling Facts (Ep-07)

Top 10 Amazing Mind Boggling Facts (Ep-07)

1:Ever Grow Part of our Body?

Although bodies stop growing, noses and ears will not.

2:Who Forgets Most?

Men are more forgetful than women.

3:Inherited Behaviors!

Procrastination and impulsivity are inherited behaviors.

4:Newborn Without any Blood!

A newborn baby is born with barely any blood.

5:SPF 50 Fact:

SPF 50 allows only two percent of UVB rays to pass to your skin compared to seven percent when wearing only SPF 15.

6:Working of Nostril!

You typically only breathe through one nostril at a time.

7:Hydration Benefits?

Hydration is key for a good complexion. Drinking enough water also makes you less prone to wrinkles.

8:Deep Breath, It Helps!!

Breathing deeply in moments of stress, or anytime during the day, brings many benefits such as better circulation, decreased anxiety and reduced blood pressure.

9:Amazing Power of our Nose!!

The nose knows: it can remember 50,000 different scents.

10:Water for Energy:

Your muscles and joints require water in order to stay energized, lubricated and healthy.

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