Deodhani Festival In Assam:
About Deodhani Dance:
One of the famous folk dances of the Indian state of Assam isDeodhani dance which is held in the month of August every year. It is as a solo or group performance. In the group performance, it comprises 3 or 4 women. This dance form is associated with the worship of the snake goddess Manasa. A Deodhani dance is generally performed to the accompaniment of songs sung by an Oja who is an Assamese traditional chorus leader, during the dance.
Meaning of Deodhani:
It is derived from two words:- 'Deo' means God and 'Dhani' means woman. The term 'Deodhani' depicts the dance of a woman when she is possessed by an evil spirit. Deodhani songs sung by Ojapali are called "Shuknamni".
Mythological Story of Deodhani Dance :
According to our mythology, Behulaa (a character in Padma Purana) had to dance before the goddess Manasa to get back her husband’s (Lakhindar) life.
Musical Instruments:
A dancer is an unmarried woman and devotee of goddess Padma. The dancers keep their hair loose and dress like female warriors. they dance to the accompaniment of big drums known as "joidhol" and cymbals with various hand gestures and intricate footwork.
Costume of Deodhani Dance :
The dancers wear a Mekhela made of Muga silk, red blouse, different traditional jewelry and leaves their hair open. They take a sword and shield and perform a manly war dance during the performance.
It's Date in 2019:
This year, Deodhani Dane will be celebrated on 18th,19th and 20th of August, 2019 in Assam. You may also visit Kamakhya Temple to enjoy this traditional festival.
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